We at Guden Solicitors pride ourselves on providing our clients with exceptional and transparent Legal Fees.

Navigating cases can be a challenging task, and the complexity of each case can vary significantly. Once we have taken your main instructions, we will provide you with an estimated offer, which will be detailed and agreed upon in our engagement letter. Please note that we charge an hourly fee of £400.

Outlined below are fee ranges associated with different areas of law that we practice. The higher end of the fee scale is reserved for cases that may involve moderate complexity or time-intensive factors.

At Guden Solicitors, we specialise in four law categories: Immigration, Dispute Resolution, Corporate-Commercial, and Regulatory Compliance.


Regarding Immigration Law, we specialise in various Sponsorship Visa categories; including, Global Expansion, and Innovative Founder Visa. This type of work takes about 15 hours to complete and the average cost is £5,000.

We make applications for the Skilled Worker Visa; including, Turkish Businessperson (Extension) and we charge £2,500- £5,000.

We deal with getting Endorsements for the Global Talent Visa, and we charge a flat fee of £3,000 and £6,250.

On average, Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) and British Citizenship applications take 10-25 hours to complete. This means that on average costs vary between £3,000 and £7,000. All figures exclude VAT unless specifically stated.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution:

The court encourages parties at dispute to engage in discussions aimed at resolving the issue prior to resorting to a formal court process. This approach offers several advantages, not only for the judicial system by alleviating the burden on civil courts, but also for the involved parties themselves. It provides them with an opportunity to sidestep the expensive and stressful litigation process, which can have adverse consequences for both businesses and individuals. We charge by an hourly rate of £400.

Corporate / Commercial:

Our team of corporate solicitors is dedicated to supporting your business in its growth, development, and pursuit of commercial and strategic goals. We provide guidance and assistance throughout all phases of your company's journey, including its establishment, expansion, involvement in strategic partnerships like joint ventures, and ultimately, facilitating a successful sale or other exit strategies.
For the corporate/commercial law cases, we charge by an hourly rate of £400.

Regulatory Compliance:

Compliance entails being well-informed about comprehending the relevant laws applicable to the organiSation, as well as showcasing continuous adherence of the business and its compliance to these regulations. A strong compliance framework encompasses various elements, which may include but are not confined to; maintaining documentation of assessments, establishing and implementing policies and procedures in alignment with the relevant legislation, maintaining proof of appropriate individuals assuming responsibility for compliance. For the regulatory compliance law cases, we charge by an hourly rate of £400.

Cost exclusions
The costs quoted here do not include:
  • Any Home Office fees for making the application. You will pay this to the Home Office directly as part of the application process.
  • Any Home Office immigration health surcharge.
  • Translation or Notarisation fees
  • Where the Home Office refuses your application, any advice and assistance in relation to any appeal or further application.
  • Applications for Dependants such as partner and child under 18.
  • Costs for English language tests, Life in the UK test, Tuberculosis tests, criminal record certificates, and biometrics.